[Notice] Notice on extension of special voluntary departure system for illegal aliens
- Notice
- Date 2024-01-21
- Hit 665
□ Extension period: ’24. 1. 1. (Monday) ~ ‘24. 2. 29. (Thursday)
□ Subject
○ Illegal aliens who voluntarily leave the country during the relevant period
☞ Foreigners staying illegally after the first enforcement date (September 11, 2023) are excluded.
□ Excluded persons
○ Smugglers, people using forged passports, criminals, people who fail to comply with departure orders, etc.
□ Action details
○ Exemption from fines* and suspension of entry restrictions for voluntarily leaving the country
* Includes exemption from fines for applicants who voluntarily leave the country accompanied by a person under the age of 17
※ Those who voluntarily leave the country must voluntarily leave the country in accordance with the current ‘Voluntary Departure Prior Reporting System’.
⇒ Advance notification at least 3 days prior to departure date (excluding public holidays)
※ Documents to be submitted when self-reporting: passport, voluntary departure report, departure airline ticket
□ Information inquiry
○ Ministry of Justice Foreigner Information Center (1345 without area code, interpretation available)
○ Please refer to the Ministry of Justice Immigration and Foreigner Policy Headquarters website (www.immigration.go.kr) or Hi Korea website (www.hikorea.go.kr).